Most relevant MB ManCo privacy information notices:
Privacy policy
Mediobanca Management Company SA ("MB ManCo”) considers data protection as a fundamental principle that must be guaranteed when providing its services to clients.MB ManCo undertakes to safeguard the protection and the confidentiality of personal data by designing and implementing data protection procedures and standards that are compliant with the new data protection Regulation EU 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and the existing national regulation on data protection (“Data Protection Law”), MB ManCo with registered office in Luxembourg, 2, Boulevard de la Foire, L – 1528 Luxembourg, in its capacity as Data Controller, is required to provide an Information notice on the use of personal data.In accordance with the new GDPR provisions, MB ManCo deemed that is not necessary to appoint a Data Protection Officer. However for any Data Protection related matter the Compliance Officer is the reference person.
The Compliance Officer may be contacted at the following email address: